Police Factory

Police Factory is an Indian comedy crime television series, which premiered on 26 September 2015 and is broadcast on SAB TV. The series is produced by DJ's a Creative Unit of Tony Singh. The action comedy show revolves around the story of a police academy based in Mohali, Punjab which is known for producing outstanding police officers. Here, the sincere police officer, Shamsher Devgan proves that he is worthy training anyone be it a stone or a diamond. The story revolves around 7 cadets who are complete misfits for the academy but are still there due to personal reasons and are dedicated to become police officers. Tarun Khanna and Vivana Singh played the male and female lead roles of Shamsher Devgan and Maya Mohan respectively.


A brave police officer, Shamsher Singh Devgan, challenged by a reporter, hired by Devgan's opponent, Inspector Inderjeet Chaddha to be a chief himself, he wants to ruin Devgan and be a chief of the Police Factory. Hiring some mischiefs, the journey begins.


as Priya Devgan
Mahika Sharma