Polaris Motor

Polaris Motor srl is an Italian aircraft manufacturer based in Gubbio. The company specializes in the design and manufacture of ultralight trikes and is well known for its inflatable boat trikes.
One of the company's first products introduced in the early 1980s was the Skin, a conventional land trike that remained in production though 2013. The FIB established the company's reputation and remains in production in pure flying boat form and in its AM-FIB amphibious form.
The company has carried out continuous development of its boat hulled aircraft, including refining the boat hull shape over time to improve performance on the water and in the air.


Model nameFirst flightNumber builtType
Polaris Skinearly 1980sUltralight trike
Polaris FIBmid 1980sFlying boat ultralight trike
Polaris AM-FIB2006Amphibious ultralight trike