Polaris (video game)

Polaris is a fixed shooter video game released in arcades in 1980 by Taito. Players control a submarine which can only shoot missiles upward. The goal of the player is to destroy all of the airplanes in each level while avoiding bombs dropped from the aircraft, as well as mines launched by enemy submarines and depth charges dropped from boats that speed by. Versions for the Atari 2600 and Commodore VIC-20 were released by Tigervision.


Subs are sunk if players touch a bomb, any enemy sub or boat, depth charge, mine, the ocean floor, torpedoes, or reef. Game ends if last sub is sunk. Polaris is essentially a naval version of Atari's Missile Command with near-identical gameplay.


The number of points gained by destroying a submarine or large aircraft varies.
Players gain a bonus life at 5,000 points, and none thereafter.
Every three levels, the player is awarded a bonus. After Level 3, the player gains 1,000 points, and each bonus that follows is worth 1,000 points more than the previous, until Level 27 is completed, at which point the bonus maxes out at 9,000 points.
99,990 points is the maximum high score that can be displayed; players may exceed this score, but game keeps last 5 digits.


Polaris gained a Certificate of Merit in the category of "1984 Best Action Videogame" at the 5th annual Arkie Awards.