Pleon (company)

Pleon is a Europe based Public Relations and communications consultancy. It is part of the Brodeur Pleon Worldwide network and a subsidiary of BBDO Worldwide. Pleon belongs to the Omnicom Group. Pleon is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany.


The majority of Pleon's offices are located in EMEA. Pleon was formed from the merger of two companies within the Omnicom group, ECC Kohtes Klewesand Brodeur Worldwide in 2004. Pleon is majority-owned by BBDO Europe, one of the world's biggest advertising groups. BBDO is part of the NYSE-listed company Omnicom Group Incorporated; hence Pleon through BBDO is part of Omnicom.
Pleon employs 1.200 employees in 33 branded and 10 associated offices in 26 EMEA countries.

Executives and Senior Partners

Current CEO of Pleon:
Functional Practice Leaders at Pleon:
Industry Practice Leaders at Pleon:
Pleon's Healthcare and Public Affairs practise employs the former federal minister respectively minister of state Andrea Fischer and Detlev Samland.