Platelet storage pool deficiency

Platelet storage pool deficiency is a type of coagulopathy characterized by defects in the granules in platelets, particularly a lack of granular non-metabolic adenosine diphosphate. Individuals with adenosine diphosphate deficient storage pool disease present a prolonged bleeding time due to impaired aggregation response to fibrillar collagen.

Symptoms and signs

The presentation of an individual with platelet storage pool deficiency is as follows:


The condition of platelet storage pool deficiency can be acquired or inherited. Some of the causes of platelet storage pool deficiency when acquired are:


In terms of the pathophysiology of platelet storage pool deficiency one must consider several factors including the human body's normal function prior to such a deficiency, such as platelet alpha-granules one of three types of platelet secretory granule
Platelet α–granules are important in platelet activity, α–granules connect with plasma membrane. This in turn increases the size of the platelet. Platelet α–granules have an important role in hemostasis as well as thrombosis. SNARE accessory proteins control the secretion of α–granule.


The diagnosis of this condition can be done via the following:
This condition may involve the alpha granules or the dense granules.
Therefore the following examples include:
Platelet storage pool deficiency has no treatment however management consists of antifibrinolytic medications if the individual has unusual bleeding event, additionally caution should be taken with usage of NSAIDS