Pir Sabaq

Pir Sabaq or Pir Sabak is a village in Nowshera District of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan. The inhabitants of this village are Muslims. The language spoken in the village is Pashto.

Overview and history

Historical, Pir Sabaq, is a village near the city of Nowshera in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan. It is 7 km away from Nowshera city.


Pir Sabaq is the largest village with respect to both area and population in the region. The village lies just the bank of Kabul River.


The entire population of Pir Sabaq is Sunni Muslims. Before Pak-India partition there were several Hindu families residing in the village but most of them left for India after independence, some Hindu families turned into Islam.

Borders and Population

Pir Sabaq is one of the dense populated village in District Nowshera. It is a kind of business hub as it is surrounded by several villages, and mostly the nearby villagers come for business, employment, trading to Pir Sabaq. Some main villages located around Pir Sabaq are Raj Muhammad Kalli, Misri Banda, and Pir Sabaq Dheri. Several families/casts are residing in Pir Sabaq.