Piedmont Access to Health Services

Piedmont Access to Health Services, Inc. is a company that provides healthcare services in growing regions, rural communities and small towns. It was set up in 2001 and is headquartered in Danville, VA. As of December 31, 2014, it operated 4 clinics in 3 counties within the state of Virginia with more than $8.9 million in revenues. PATHS is a 501 organization that is considered tax exempt by the state of Virginia. Also, PATHS is a Federally Qualified Health Center. FQHCs are local, non-profit, community-owned health care providers serving members of the community regardless of ability to pay. These centers are the family doctor and health care home to 1 out of 8 uninsured Americans. FQHCs receive federal grants to help defray operating costs. It is located at Danville.


In January 2015, PATHS’ Pediatrics won the RAVE Award for Best Pediatric Health Center by Showcase Magazine.