Picking sequence

A picking sequence is a protocol for fair item assignment. Suppose m items have to be divided among n agents. One way to allocate the items is to let one agent select a single item, then let another agent select a single item, and so on. A picking-sequence is a sequence of m agent-names, where each name determines what agent is the next to pick an item.
As an example, suppose 4 items have to be divided between Alice and Bob. Some possible picking sequences are:
A picking-sequence has several merits as a fair division protocol:
How should the picking sequence be selected? Bouveret and Lang study this question under the following assumptions:
They show picking-sequences that maximize the expected utilitarian welfare or the expected egalitarian welfare in various settings.
Kalinowski et al show that, when there are two agents with a Borda scoring function, and each ranking is equally probable, the "round robin" sequence attains the maximal expected sum-of-utilities.

Fairness with different entitlements

Brams and Kaplan study the problem of allocating cabinet ministries among parties. There is a coalition of parties; each party has a different number of seats in the parliament; larger parties should be allocated more ministries or more prestigious ministries. This is a special case of fair item assignment with different entitlements. A possible solution to this problem is to determine a picking sequence, based on the different entitlements, and let each party pick a ministry in turn. Such a solution is used in Northern Ireland, Denmark and the European parliament.
Brams assumes that each agent has a strict ordering on the items, and has responsive preferences on bundles of items. This means that, at each point in the picking sequence, there is a single remaining item which is the "best item" for the agent. An agent is called sincere if, at each point, he picks his best item. If agents have complete information on each other's preferences, it may not be rational for them to choose truthfully; it may be better for them to make sophisticated choices. Thus, the picking sequence induces a sequential game and it is interesting to analyze its subgame-perfect equilibrium. Several results are proved:
Given the agents' different rights, what would be a fair picking sequence?
Brams suggests to use divisor methods, similar to the ones used for apportionment of congress seats among states. The two most commonly used methods are the ones proposed by Daniel Webster and Thomas Jefferson. Both methods start in the same way: