
Phulad is a village located in Marwar Junction tehsil of Pali district in Rajasthan state of India. Aravalli Range is nearby to the village. There is a railway station on Marwar Junction-Udaipur line. There is also a dam by the same name built in 1972.
Phulad old name is Nimba ka Kheda but New name id Phulad as per Chamunda Mataji Story because as per story of Fula Wanjara


The population of Phulad is 939 according to the 2001 Census. The population in 2010 was 2500.
Today we have arranged a unique experience on board the rural train from Deogarh to Phulad - a great way to meet with the locals. Originally built by the British in the 1930s, to connect the regions of Marwar and Mewar, the metre gauge train travels through tunnels and bridges and past quaint railway stations where the famous book and movie ‘The Man Who Would be King’ by Rudyard Kipling unfolds. We journey through rugged, yet stunning, scenery before driving back to Deogarh for an afternoon at leisure. Deogarh has plenty to offer such as village walks and bird watching. Phulad in 1 Dam and more temple of and famous temple is goramghat and Chamunda mataji Mandir. and Phulad dam overflow gauge is 27 fits above.