Phoebe Boswell

Phoebe Boswell, is a multi-media artist and film maker based in London, UK. She has won awards in the UK and Ukraine, and has been described as "a very distinct voice that is full of power and energy", "one of the most exciting young artists working today".

Early life

Phoebe Boswell was born in Nairobi, Kenya, the daughter of Timothy, a pilot, and Joyce, a teacher. They moved to Oman when she was two years old, and then to Bahrain three years later. She attended St. Christopher's School in Isa Town, Bahrain, followed by Hurtwood House. Moving to London, Boswell studied at Central St. Martins, University of the Arts London and the Slade School of Art at the University of London. She then moved back to Bahrain to make sense of her expatriate childhood, and a solo exhibition comprising portraits and recorded conversations was held at the National Museum in Bahrain, and published as Bahrainona. She also co-founded the arts society, Elham.
Her graduate film The Girl With Stories in Her Hair was nominated for a number of awards, including Best Film at the British Animation Awards Public Choice, Best Student film at the Bradford Animation Festival, and Best Animation in Rushes Soho Shorts.


Phoebe Boswell's multimedia art works have been exhibited in numerous exhibitions in the UK, the US, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Italy. She has won the first ever Sky Academy Arts Scholarship, and the $20,000 Special Prize in the 2017 Future Generation Prize in Kiev, which led to her work Mutumia being shown at the Vienna Biennale the same year. Her work has been described as using "layered methods of storytelling" to explore cultural roots and identity and "transient middle points and passages of migration". It deals with "the subject of frailty and belief systems", "questions the misrepresentation of the female and the Black body in society and culture", and "recast as a site of power and heroism".


Selected group exhibitions