Phir Subah Hogi (TV series)

Phir Subah Hogi is an Indian soap opera series that was aired on Zee TV from 2012 to 2013. It was mainly about the Bediya community of Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh. It was shot in Wai village near Mahabaleshwar.
The show was dubbed in English and aired on Zee World on DSTv channel 166.


In a village in India, live the Bednis, where young women and girls dance before the rich men and the landlords pick the girls of their choice. Sugni, a girl who does not like this custom, tries everything possible to stop it. She states the importance of belonging to only one man. Because of her bravery, a landlord, Vikram Thakur Singh falls in love with Sugni. They plan to marry even though everyone opposes it, including Gulabi, Sugni's mother. Gulabi discovers that Riva, Vikram's wife is still alive. Gulabi tries to caution Sugni who does not believe her, being blinded by love. Gulabi tells Aditya, Vikram's nephew about the fact that Riva was still alive and they manage to expose Vikram to Sugni on their wedding day. Heartbroken, Sugni decides to return to being a Bedni. When she tries to sell herself, Aditya buys her as a servant in their house. Vikram becomes possessive and tries to divorce Riva so that he can marry Sugni but fails. Riva then suggests to Sugni that she should marry Aditya so that Vikram would come back to her. Later, Aditya and Sugni decide to get married. At this same time, Vikram's mother, Maa Thakur arrived with his sister-in-law, Suman along with her husband. When Maa Thakur discovers that Aditya would marry Sugni, she allows the marriage to happen. But on their marriage day, Vikram reveals that Sugni is a Bedni. Maa Thakur despises Sugni and tries to disown Aditya for marrying a prostitute but later agrees to have them isolated in the house. Everyone blames Sugni for breaking the family's unity. Even after marrying Aditya, Vikram still lusts at Sugni and manages to get a night with her after threatening to kill Aditya in a wrestling sport where knives are used. Aditya later despises Sugni but takes her back after clearing the misunderstanding. In the meantime, Vikram's youngest sister, Kuhu, marries Digvijay, the son of Vikram's enemy, Jwala Thakur Singh. Digvijay doesn't love Kuhu and instead wants Champa, Sugni's friend after raping her. Sugni tries to reveal this fact to the family but fails. She later deceives Digvijay into exposing himself. Maa Thakur starts liking Sugni. Vikram, going to the extreme, plots to kill Aditya, so he convinces Aditya and Sugni to spend some time at a house. Later, Vikram realises his mistake and tries to save Aditya but Sugni gets shot instead and falls down a cliff. Overcome with guilt, Vikram wanders away into the unknown. Six months later, Suman takes over the mansion and makes Digvijay and Jwala Singh owners as well. Vikram walks into a city that is full of courtesans, among them who is Chubuli, who looks like Sugni. Vikram meets Chubili and tries to make her believe that she is Sugni. Chubuli is dating Divakar. Vikram discovers that the brothel owner and her son, Bunty are trying to do something to Chubuli. He wonders why a hooded man keeps on giving them strange medicines. On the other hand, Chubuli gets strange faint memories about her past. Back at the mansion, Riva starts playing mind games with Suman and also gets her look-alike, Jamuniya to pretend to be Suman whenever she is out. Riva manages to transfer the property back to Maa Thakur. Vikram discovers why the brothel owner had been giving Chubuli the medicines: she wanted to give Chubuli a new life so the medicines would make her to completely forget her past. Vikram discovers how Sugni was saved: she was rescued from the river she had fallen into by some local fishermen. Vikram then takes Sugni back to the mansion. Riva discovers that Vikram is still in love with Sugni and so divorces him. Aditya comes back and he and Maa Thakur tell Vikram to marry Sugni. Sugni is feeling stressed as her past memories are flooding back to her. Vikram and Sugni get married. During the seven rounds around the sacred fire, Sugni remembers doing this before and regains her memory. Aditya convinces Sugni that her marriage with him was never meant to be. Vikram and Sugni finally get married.
