Peter Potemkine

Peter Petrovich Potemkine was a Russian chess master.
He took 7th at St. Petersburg 1904, took 5th at St Petersburg 1907. In winter 1912, he played with Alexander Alekhine and Vasily Osipovich Smyslov in Sankt Petersburg. In 1920, he tied for 3rd-6th in Moscow.
Count Potemkine was a White émigré living in France. He officially represented Russia in 1st unofficial Chess Olympiad at Paris 1924.
He tied for 7-8th at Prague 1923, tied for 4-7th at Paris 1924, tied for 5-6th at Paris 1925, and shared 1st with Vitaly Halberstadt at Paris 1926.
In 1926, Le Cercle d'échecs Potemkine was established in Paris.