Petaluma Transit

Petaluma Transit is the public bus service in the city of Petaluma, Sonoma County, California. The system connects with several Sonoma County Transit routes for further travel within the county, Golden Gate Transit routes for travel between the city, Marin County, and San Francisco, and Sonoma County Airport Express routes for travel between the city, Oakland International Airport, and San Francisco International Airport.
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday between 6:20 a.m. and 6:15 p.m., and on Saturday from 7:20 a.m. to 5:45 p.m., with no evening or Sunday, service. Saturday service is provided on some holidays.
Petaluma Paratransit provides ADA-mandated paratransit for eligible persons within Petaluma City Limits.

Routes serving Petaluma

PT = Petaluma Transit, SCT = Sonoma County Transit and GGT = Golden Gate Transit

Attractions served by Petaluma Transit

Petaluma Transit serves regional transit transfer points such as Fourth and C Streets, in downtown Petaluma, the Copeland Transit Mall, and the Petaluma Fairgrounds, allowing transfers to and from all Petaluma Transit Routes to Sonoma County Transit, Golden Gate Transit, and Amtrak. Petaluma Transit's trunk route,
Route 1: Petaluma Boulevard & Cherry Valley
Route 2: North McDowell
Routes 3 & 33: Sonoma Mtn. Parkway/South Ely
Route 11: E Washington Street
Route 24: Lakeville
For a map showing all of Petaluma Transit's services and attractions served, click .


Petaluma Paratransit is the paratransit arm of Petaluma Transit, providing transportation for ADA-eligible persons in the city. Trips can be reserved for travel Monday through Friday, 6:20am to 6:15pm, and Saturday, 7:20am to 5:45pm. Trips must be reserved at least one day in advance. Patrons must be registered with Petaluma Paratransit prior to booking trips.

Fares, Transfers, and Passes


For all regular Petaluma Transit routes:
For Petaluma Paratransit:
Petaluma Transit issues free transfers with paid fare for connections with other Petaluma Transit routes at time of boarding to complete a one-way trip not served by a single route. Transfer must be used within one hour.

Inter-agency Transfers

Sonoma County Transit:
Sonoma–Marin Area Rail Transit:
Two kinds of passes are offered by Petaluma Transit:
10-Ride Transit Pass
Petaluma Transit Pass - valid for one calendar month, allowing unlimited rides on all Petaluma Transit routes
Any person enrolled in a class at the Santa Rosa Junior College is eligible for a student pass. Petaluma Paratransit also offers a Rider Card for $27.00, good for 12 one-way trips.
The passes can be purchased at the Finance Department at City Hall, Lucchesi Community Center, Petaluma City Schools Admin Office, Mail Depot, G & G Supermarket, Lolita's Market, Petaluma Jr. High, Kenilworth Jr. High, or through mail by contacting City Hall.