Persecution of Muslims by Meccans

In the early days of Islam at Mecca, the new Muslims were often subjected to abuse and persecution.


, and her husband Yasir were tortured to death by Abu Jahl.
Muhammad was protected somewhat by the influence of his family. Abu Lahab's wife Umm Jamil would regularly dump filth outside his door. An eyewitness mentioned that the worst thing he ever saw the Quraish doing to Muhammad was that a person from Quraish clutched his clothes.

Migration age

In almost one hundred Muslims made a second migration back to Abyssinia where they stayed protected. After the Muslims in Arabia had migrated to Medina in and attained security, the Muslims in Abyssinia migrated back to Arabia and reunited with them in Medina after six years absence.

The Meccan boycott of the Hashemites by the Quraish was proclaimed in 617.

Post Migration age and response

Invasion of Safwan

Muhammad ordered an attack to pursue Kurz bin Jabir Al-Fihri.

Invasion of Sawiq

Muhammad ordered Muslims to pursue Abu Sufyan for killing 2 Muslims and burning a corn field

The tortured slaves by Quraysh in Mecca

Main article:Torture


Tags: The females were tortured by Umar ibn al-Khattab and Abu Jahl

Slaves who were Muslims
