People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights

The People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights is an Indian non-governmental organisation and membership based movement work to ensure basic rights for marginalised groups in the Indian society, e.g. children, women, Dalits and tribes to establish rule of law through participatory activism against extra judicial killing, police torture, hunger, bonded labour and injustice by hegemonic masculinity of the caste system and patriarchy. PVCHR ideology is inspired by the father of the Dalit movement and modern Nation-State, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi who struggled against patriarchy and the caste hierarchical system.
PVCHR was founded in 1996 by Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi and Shruti Naghuvanshi in collaboration with Sarod Maestro Vikash Maharaj, Dr. Mahendra Pratap historian and Poet Gyanendra Pati.
Patron: Justice Z.M Yacoob, Ex- Judge Constitution Court of South Africa & Chancellor of University of Durban, South Africa.



To establish a true, vibrant and fully entrenched democratic society through Jan Mitra concept where there shall be no violation of civil rights granted to a citizen by the state.


To provide basic rights to all, to eliminate situations, which give rise to exploitation of vulnerable and marginalized groups and to start a movement for a people friendly society through an inter-institutional approach.

Core Values

  1. Practice to Policy: Peoples’ Advocacy
  2. Policy to Practice: The model of Jan Mitra Village based on active listening, empathy for hope, honour and dignity
  3. Organization building/Capacity building

    Comprehensive programs

Intensively in Eastern and western regions of Uttar Pradesh and Koderma district of Jharkhand. Through networking working in 16 states of India with Involvements of 99 organisations.

Target Communities

72000 as neo dalit communities comprising progressive people from upper caste, OBC, tribal and minorities


Comprehensive program for survivors of torture and Organised Violence

Child Survival:
Child Participation:
In 2001 formed children parliament now 10 parliaments are functioning in 22 with the participation of 195 children.
Child Education:
Program for national lobby, campaign and advocacy
Program for international solidarity, partnership and networking
PVCHR has been mentioned in follows academic sphere: