Merytawy Penamun was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh whose datation is extremely uncertain.Identification
Penamun does not appear on any king list and his damaged cartouche was only found on a stone block from Kom Abu Billo in the western Nile Delta.
According to Jürgen von Beckerath, Penamun should have been a local Delta ruler during the 25th Dynasty who adopted the royal titulary; von Beckerath argues that he put his praenomen and nomen within the same cartouche, and that the lost portion on it could have contained the hieroglyph for "Re" i.e. the standard suffix for pharaonic praenomina, thus becoming a Merytawyre.
Basing on orthographic grounds, Kenneth Kitchen rather opts for a later dating for Penamun, believing that he should have ruled during the Persian period or perhaps even later.