
Pelargonidin is an anthocyanidin, a type of plant pigment producing a characteristic orange color used in food and industrial dyes.

Natural occurrences

Presence in flowers

Pelargonidin can be found in red geraniums. It is the predominant pigment causing the red coloration in the spathes of Philodendron. The orange-coloured flowers of blue pimpernel have a higher concentration of pelargonidin pigment.

Presence in food

Pelargonidin can be found in berries such as ripe raspberries and strawberries, as well as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries but also in saskatoon berries and chokeberries. It is also found in plums and pomegranates. Pelargonidin gives red radishes their color.
It is present in large amounts in kidney beans.


can be found in strawberries.
Acylated pelargonidin glycosides can be found in red-purple flowers of Ipomoea purpurea.