Pegasus Theatre

The Pegasus Theatre is an association of professional and amateur actors. The repertoire is extensive and ranges from plays for children to the interpretation of classical Greek tragedies. The theatre is located in Agias Ekaterinis, Katerini, Greece.
Park 2020


The Pegasus Theatre was officially founded in 1982 by students of the School of the State Theatre of Northern Greece. Already in 1980 the first members of the theatre started with preparatory activities, so that in 2020 the theatre celebrated its 40th anniversary. In the meantime more than 100 plays of domestic and foreign authors have been performed, among others:
In addition to the theatrical activities and the rehearsals required for them, great importance is attached to the training of the next generation of actors. Three groups were formed according to age:
The children are introduced to the topic with games. Later they learn to use gestures and facial expressions and to improvise. The young people work on their expressions and are introduced to the art of acting and the history of theatre.


The theatre group plays mainly in northern Greece, but has also had several performances in Kiev and other cities in the Ukraine.
The adults perform two new plays a year. The Pegasus Theatre performs regularly as part of the Olympus Festival.