Pedro Varela Geiss

Pedro Varela Geiss is a Spanish writer, revisionist historian, librarian, and Holocaust denier. He was the owner of a neo-nazi bookstore in Barcelona that is now closed, and he describes himself as a National Socialist inspired by Hitler. He was also the former President of the disbanded Neo-Nazi group CEDADE, to which Belgian Nazi collaborator Leon Degrelle belonged.


Born in Barcelona, he became the President of CEDADE in 1978, publishing Holocaust denial material.
In 1992, he spent three months in pre-trial detention in Austria for a Nazi speech he gave, but was acquitted. After the end of CEDADE, he opened the Libreria Europa bookstore in Barcelona, from which he promoted pro-Nazi speeches, conferences, lectures, and books on anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
In 1998, he was sentenced to five years in prison for justifying genocide, due to the Holocaust denial material he sold at his store.
In 2010, he was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison for the felony of "disseminating genocidal ideals". He was released from prison on March 8, 2012. He went back to run his bookstore. However, on July 2016, his library was closed down for inciting hate speech and racial discrimination.

Personal life

Pedro has a daughter who lives in Denmark. He is also a mountaineer, and an enthusiast of Richard Wagner and his body of work. Varela is a Roman Catholic, and identifies as a vegetarian.