Peace Support Training Centre

The Peace Support Training Centre, is located at McNaughton Barracks, CFB Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and is a subordinate unit of the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre. PSTC delivers training to the Canadian Armed Forces, other Canadian Government Departments, and foreign militaries. PSTC is also engaged in instructor exchanges with ABCA, NATO, and other countries.


The Peace Support Training Centre was formed in July 1996 and was officially established as a unit 5 September 2000. With an original mandate of training personnel for United Nations Military Observer positions, the PSTC has expanded to a unit of over 60 personnel that runs on average 35 courses per year with a throughput of 1,000 students.
PSTC is also developing training for personnel working as part of Provincial Reconstruction Teams, and Security Force Capacity Building/Security Force Advisor Training.



Courses and Training Packages

PSTC is a training unit directly under the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre. It has a liaison and coordination relationship with the Influence Activities Task Force, another organization under CADTC. PSTC has two training sub-units and a standards sub-unit. The training sub-units and their specialties are as follows:
PSTC has trained all personnel in Security Force Advisor Training for the Canadian part of the NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan as well as run numerous influence activities courses to prepare members for the managed readiness plan. This year also saw the successful completion of three mobile training team deployments to Tanzania, Guatemala and Senegal to teach PSO and CIMIC.
PTSC continues to support peacekeeping efforts at the present time.