Paul Renner

Paul Friedrich August Renner was a German typeface designer. In 1927, he designed the Futura typeface, which became one of the most successful and most-used types of the 20th century. He was born in Wernigerode, and died in Hödingen.
He had a strict Protestant upbringing, being educated in a 19th-century Gymnasium. He was brought up to have a very German sense of leadership, of duty and responsibility. He disliked abstract art and many forms of modern culture, such as jazz, cinema, and dancing. But equally, he admired the functionalist strain in modernism. Thus, Renner can be seen as a bridge between the traditional and the modern. He attempted to fuse the Gothic and the roman typefaces.
Renner was a prominent member of the Deutscher Werkbund. Two of his major texts are Typografie als Kunst and Die Kunst der Typographie. He created a new set of guidelines for good book design and invented the popular Futura, a geometric sans-serif font used by many typographers throughout the 20th century and today. The typeface Architype Renner is based upon Renner's early experimental exploration of geometric letterforms for the Futura typeface, most of which were deleted from the face's character set before it was issued. Tasse, a 1994 typeface is a revival of Renner's 1953 typeface Steile Futura.
Renner was a friend of the eminent German typographer Jan Tschichold and a key participant in the heated ideological and artistic debates of that time.


Even before 1932, Renner made his opposition to the Nazis very clear, notably in his book “Kulturbolschewismus?”. He was unable to find a German publisher, so it was published by his Swiss friend Eugen Rentsch.
After the Nazis seized power in March 1933, Paul was arrested and dismissed from his post in Munich in 1933, and subsequently emigrated to Switzerland. Soon after the book's publication, it was withdrawn from the German book market, until a photo-mechanical reprint was issued by Stroemfeld Verlag, Frankfurt am Main/Basel, in 2003. The new edition included comments by Roland Reuss and Peter Staengle.


All books are German editions.