
Pathargama is a community development block that forms an administrative division of Godda district, Jharkhand state, India. It is located 19 km from Godda, the district headquarters.


Pathargama, the eponymous CD Block headquarters, is located at.
Pathargama CD Block has 19 panchayats and 146 villages.


As per 2011 Census of India, Pathargama CD Block had a total population of 115,662, all of which were rural. There were 59,780 males and 55,882 females. Population below 6 years was 20,491. Scheduled Castes numbered 13,537 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 18,646.
In 2011 census, Pathargama had a population of 3,490.


census, the total number of literates in Pathargama CD Block was 58,352 out of which 36,571 were males and 21,781 were females.
census, literacy in Godda district was 57.40.Literacy in Jharkhand was 66.41% in 2011.Literacy in India in 2011 was 74.04%.



Around 80% of the population depends on agriculture, the main economic activity of the district but lack of irrigation facilities is a major constraint in raising the existing low levels of productivity. A sizable population is also engaged in animal husbandry and cottage industries.