To foster, develop and facilitate sport parachuting, in all its facets, within South Africa, in the safest and most progressive manner, on behalf of its members.
The structure of PASA consists of a Management Council and two subsidiary associations, namely the Association of Drop Zone Operators and the Sport Skydivers Association. All affiliated Drop Zone Operations have a seat on the ADZO board. The duties and responsibilities of ADZO include, inter alia:
To ensure that all instruction performed by affiliated DZ Operations by way of first jump courses, using static-line, AFF or tandem methods, and the progression thereafter, conforms with internationally accepted safety standards and norms.
To train and develop staff with the necessary skills and knowledge required to implement the safety standards and progression.
To maintain the uniformity of minimum safety standards amongst all the affiliated DZ operations. To ensure that the Manual of *Procedures remains current and complies with the latest operating procedures. To abide by the constitution.
To facilitate communication amongst its members and with the authorities in regard to safety issues and developments.
The Sport Skydivers Association consists of committees for each one of the FAI recognised disciplines, and for Wing Suiting, a Judges Committee and three Non-Executive Directors. These committees are tasked with organising and promoting their respective disciplines within South Africa by:
Selection and support of National teams/representatives to represent South Africa at International Championships.
Organising and holding seminars and training camps to improve the standards of participation within each discipline, whether at a junior, intermediate or senior level, both locally and abroad.
Keeping up to date with, and disseminating to all members, information relating to new techniques and practices which may improve standards of performance within each respective discipline.
Mother City SkyDiving - Cape Town - Non-Student Operation - operating out of Diepkloof Airfield 70km from Cape Town and 12km north of Malmesbury in the Western Cape offers sports skydiving for experienced skydivers and tandem skydiving for first time jumpers.
Skydive Robertson - Student Operation - operating out of Robertson Airfield in the Western Cape town of Robertson at the heart of South Africa'swine routeRoute 62 - 147km from Cape Town. The club provides a facility for all skydiving disciplines for sports skydivers of all levels of experience and facilitates tandem skydiving, static line and Accelerated Freefall student training. The club celebrates is 40th year of operations in 2012.
SkyDive Rustenburg - Student Operation - operating out of Rustenburg Airfield is frequented by sports skydivers of all skydiving disciplines as well as a popular skydive training facility that offers tandem skydiving, Accelerated Freefall and static line courses.