
Pappireddipatti is a Town Panchayat of Dharmapuri district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and also a revenue Taluk of Dharmapuri district. It is almost surrounded by hills in all directions; mainly Kalrayan Hills in the East and Shevaroy Hills in the west. It has many skilled professional engineers and technically sound people.
Pappireddipatti is the business center for villages surrounding it and for the people living in villages of Shevaroy Hills.


As of 2011 census of India, Pappireddipatti had a population of 9,369. Males and females constitute roughly 50:50 of the population. Pappireddipatti has a literacy rate of 73%, on par with the national average but lesser than the state literacy rate of 80.1%. Male literacy is 79%, and female literacy is 67%. In Pappireddipatti, 8% of the population is under 6 years of age.

Climate and Geology

Pappireddipatti has a Warm and Dry climate, with monsoonal influences typical of India. The town's yearly rainfall average stands at. A maximum rainfall of was recorded in the rainfall station situated at Chitteri during 1991. Pappireddipatti area is drained by Vaniyar river system by its tributaries like Kallar, Veppadi aaru and Krukkampatti aaru.
Pappireddipatti area is covered by hard Crystalline rock. Ground water level ranges from to during winter and to during summer. with slow rate of infiltration covers more than half of this area.
Quartz is available at Peddampatti Village of Pappireddipatti.

Places of interest

Pappireddipatti is well connected by roads to the nearby city Salem and district headquarters Dharmapuri.
The nearest railway station is at Bommidi, 16.4 km from Pappireddipatti. The nearest airport is at Salem,42 km.

Picture Gallery
