Panther (owarai)

Panther is a Japanese comedy trio consisting of Ryōtaro Kan,Satoshi Mukai and Takahiro Ogata that have featured in a number of Japanese television shows. They are employed by Yoshimoto Kogyo and are mostly active in Tokyo.


All three members of the group have had previous experience in other comedy units that had dissolved before forming Panther. Additionally, Mukai's former unit was also a trio. Ogata's former partner was Chopper MASA and the comedy duo was called Great Horn. When they dissolved, Ogata went solo as Thank You Ogata, but had no success, almost prompting him to quit the industry and work at a local Ramen Jiro before he met Kan in Shinjuku. Kan's former partner was Shinjiro Hatanaka in the comedy duo High and Low. After dissolving, he was also active as a solo comedian for a short stint. Mukai was in the comedy trio Blue Standard alongside his former partners Yuki Kondo and Ryuji Kohama. Kondo was Mukai's childhood friend and their duo were known as Ajisai Park before forming Blue Standard, even appearing in Speed Wagon's variety show Osorakuteinzu Wagon Takagi Majiru.
In 2008, all three men were solo talents. Kan and Ogata met in Shinjuku and decided to partner up, at the time Mukai also considered partnering up with Kan, and decided to join the group to form the trio. The trio's name Panther was given by Naoki Matayoshi of Peace, the other potential name for the group was Super Cub
Panther are currently active as of 2019 on numerous variety and television programs.


Current regular programs