Paloh (film)

Paloh is a 2003 Malaysian historical film directed by Adman Salleh. This film is produced by Filem Negara Malaysia and the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia. This film is rated 18PL for strong brutal violence and terror throughout, sexual assaults, gruesome images and pervasive strong language.


Set in the small town of Paloh, Johor, during the final days of the Japanese occupation in 1944, the movie is about the confrontation between the Japanese occupying force and the Communist Party of Malaya. To survive, four friends - Ahmad, Osman, Puteh and Harun choose to serve the Japanese Police Force. Amidst a sea of uncertainties, Ahmad falls in love with Siew Lan and Puteh falls in love with Fatimah - both girls from different worlds, different cultures, even opposing sides. And Osman - a friend of theirs and a spy for the Japanese Police - chooses to serve his own agenda. Swee Lan's father is a local leader of the Bintang Tiga sympathizers and has asked Swee Lan to establish a love relationship with Ahmad so as to gather intelligence of the Japanese movements. However, Swee Lan really falls in love with Ahmad and thus begins a deep struggle within her. She has to either obey her father or betray her lover. Ahmad, on the other hand, sees the high handedness of the Japanese and he does not want to be a part of the Japanese scheme any more.
The tension of the crisis at its peak when local commie invaded Paloh Kempeitai Station and killed those local Malay who served for them including Ahmad close friend, Puteh. Unsatisfied with Swee Lan father that broke his promise, Ahmad came in and gun shot happened with Osman now serve in communies killed her father thus save Ahmad from dead. Osman did that because his long revenge over the dead of his father in Ah Meng hand.
As one character says in the movie, "Whether it is the British, the Japanese or the communist, they are all the same. But at least the communist are fighting to free us."
