Paleontological Sites of Santa Maria

The Paleontological Sites of Santa Maria are located in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and dating from the Triassic. Are in the Santa Maria Formation and Caturrita Formation.


In 1901 the first fossils were found in the town of Santa Maria, which began the Geopark Paleorrota. Since then many sites have been discovered in the city, especially near the Hill Cerrito, with outstanding attention to Sanga da Alemoa that have rich history.


The city of Santa Maria is a major road junction, with several highways across the city. The Hill Cerrito is surrounded by highways BR-287, BR-158 and RS-509. You should be prepared to receive tourists.


Santa Maria has two museums that contain fossils of the region:
1Arroio CancelaSanta Maria FormationSee: Paleontological Site Arroio Cancela.
2Cabeceira do RaimundoSanga do Cabral FormationDisarticulated from Procolophon pricei.
3Arroio Passo das TropasSanta Maria FormationVegetables prints Dicroidium flora, fish scales and wings of insects.
4Olaria Campus UFSMSanta Maria FormationVegetables prints Dicroidium flora.
5Colégio MilitarSanta Maria FormationHyperodapedon.
6Largo Padre CargninSanta Maria FormationTherioherpeton cargnini.
7Cerrito ISanta Maria Formation and Caturrita FormationHyperodapedon, Stagonolepis and undetermined Cynodonts.
8Cerrito IISanta Maria Formation and Caturrita FormationHyperodapedon.
9Cerrito IIISanta Maria Formation and Caturrita FormationHyperodapedon.
10Sanga AlemoaSanta Maria Formation and Caturrita FormationSee: Paleontological Site Sanga of Alemoa
11Jazigo CincoSanta Maria FormationSee: Paleontological Site Jazigo Cinco.
12Sanga do ArmárioSanta Maria FormationHyperodapedon.
13Vila dos SargentosSanta Maria FormationBioturbation Verticalized.
14Cidade dos MeninosSanta Maria FormationHyperodapedon, osteoderms of Stagonolepis and undetermined Cynodonts.
15Vila KennedySanta Maria FormationHyperodapedon.
16Vila CaturritaSanta Maria Formation and Caturrita FormationHyperodapedon.
17Bela VistaCaturrita FormationFragments of indeterminate skulls.
18Jardim BerlezeCaturrita FormationPetrified wood.
19Esc. Xavier da RochaCaturrita FormationPetrified wood.
20Silva JardimCaturrita FormationPetrified wood.