Palazzo Taverna, Rome

Palazzo Taverna is a palace in Rome, located on the Via di Monte Giordano and first built by Cardinal Giordano Orsini, who wished to turn his ancient castle on the into a residence. It was the residence of Adriana in when she was overseeing the education of the children of the man who would be elected Pope Alexander VI: Lucrezia Borgia, Juan Borgia and Cesare Borgia. It was later rented by notable figures such as cardinals Ippolito II d'Este, who used it to host Torquato Tasso, and Maurizio di Savoia. It passed to the Gabrielli family in 1688 and they used it to host members of the Bonaparte family such as Eugénie de Montijo. In 1888 it passed to the Taverna family. It now houses In/Arch and a collection of paintings by artists such as Sebastiano Ricci and Rosa da Tivoli. The main fountain in the gardens was designed by Antonio Casoni.