Pakistan at the 1984 Summer Olympics

Pakistan competed at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, United States. The nation returned to the Games after participating in the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Pakistan won the gold medal in the men's hockey team competition.


Gold medal in the men's field hockey team competition

Results by event

Athletics">Athletics at the 1984 Summer Olympics">Athletics

Men's 100 metres
Men's 200 metres
Men's 400 metres
Men's 800 metres
Men's javelin throw
Men's bantamweight
Men's lightweight
Men's welterweight
Men's super heavyweight

Men's Team Competition

Preliminary round Pool B
Pakistan won the gold medal
Team Roster
Forward Saleem Sherwani is not the same player as his namesake, Saleem Sherwani who was the Pakistan goalkeeper at the Munich Olympics in 1972 and in the Montreal Olympiad in 1976.

Wrestling Freestyle">Wrestling Freestyle at the 1984 Summer Olympics">Wrestling Freestyle

Men's 74 kg Group A
Men's 90 kg Group A
Soling Class
Finn Class
470 Class