Paishacha marriage

Paishacha marriage has been defined in Manu Smriti in section IV - Eight types of marriage
Suptāṃ mattāṃ pramattāṃ vā raho yatropagacchati |
Sa pāpiṣṭho vivāhānāṃ paiśācaścāṣṭamo'dhamaḥ ||
सुप्तां मत्तां प्रमत्तां वा रहो यत्रोपगच्छति।
स पापिष्ठो विवाहानां पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽधमः॥
When a man kidnap or takes away a woman and have Sexual intercourse with her during her sleep, or while she is drunken or intoxicated or unconscious or mentally challenged, it is called Paishacha marriage. Out of eight types of marriages defined in Hinduism, as specifically mentioned in Manu Smriti ), namely Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa, and Paishacha, this is wickedest and worst form of marriage.
This type of marriage has been condemned and forbidden for all of the four varnas of the Hindu social order in Hinduism, namely Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishyas and Shudra. Children born out of such a marriage does not become the Rightful Heir as the marriage itself has been considered as unlawful.