
Padera is a sub-urban village in Raebareli district in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The Pin Code of the Village is 229303 and there are 5 Village under Padera.
Padera is also a Gram Panchayat under the district of Raebareli. Government Agriculture Area also situated in Padera sub-urban Village.

About Padera

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Padera Gram Panchayat is 144249. Padera sub-urban village is located in Raebareli Tehsil of Raebareli district in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated 12 km away from Raebareli via Gangaganj Route and 60 km away from Lucknow, which is both district & sub-district headquarter of Padera sub-urban village. Padera Gram Panchayat has a total population of 4,600 peoples. There are about 664 houses in Padera sub-urban village. Padera sub-urban village sits on the South shore of the Sai River.
Raebareli is nearest city to Padera. Padera sub-urban village is under Raebareli Smart City.



The nearest Bus station is Achleshwar Market and Harchandpur and UPSRTC buses also run here.


The nearest Railway Station is Rae Bareli and Harchandpur.


The nearest Airport is Raebareli Airport and Lucknow International Airport.