PSLS Lhokseumawe

PSLS stands for Persatuan Sepak bola Lhokseumawe. PSLS Lhokseumawe is an Indonesian football club based in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. They play in Liga 3 for 2019 season. Their home stadium is Tunas Bangsa Stadium.


Since the first Lhokseumawe is from Samudera Pasai Sultanate dominate Strait of Malacca and has great strength. Because of this PSLS Lhokseumawe given the nickname Pasai Warriors.
Since Samudera Pasai Sultanate dominate Strait of Malacca so strong that in dubbed Tiger Malacca. Therefore, PSLP club was nicknamed Tiger Malacca, in order to be a strong club and master league football's highest caste in Indonesia.


Paseemania are loyal supporters of the club PSLS Lhokseumawe.