5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit gamma-2 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the PRKAG2 gene.


is a heterotrimeric protein composed of a catalytic alpha subunit, a noncatalytic beta subunit, and a noncatalytic regulatory gamma subunit. Various forms of each of these subunits exist, encoded by different genes. AMPK is an important energy-sensing enzyme that monitors cellular energy status and functions by inactivating key enzymes involved in regulating de novo biosynthesis of fatty acid and cholesterol. This gene is a member of the AMPK gamma subunit family and encodes a protein with four CBS domains. Mutations in this gene have been associated with ventricular pre-excitation, progressive conduction system disease and cardiac hypertrophy. Alternate transcriptional splice variants, encoding different isoforms, have been characterized.


PRKAG2 has been shown to interact with PRKAB2 and PRKAB1.