
Păcală is a fictional character in Romanian folklore, literature and humor. An irreverent young man, seemingly a peasant, he reserves contempt and irony for the village authorities, but often plays the fool. Several derivative works codify the various versions of Păcală anecdotes. Examples include: Pâcală, by Ion Creangă; Păcală în satul lui by Ioan Slavici; Isprăvile lui Păcală by Petre Dulfu; and Întâmplările lui Păcală, part of Legende sau basmele românilor.
Păcală legends also served to inspire other creations, from the eponymous satirical magazine put out by Pantazi Ghica in the 1860s to Constantin S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor's 1960s sequel Tivisoc şi Tivismoc. He is the main protagonist in two Romanian films, both written and directed by Geo Saizescu; and inspired artist Sandu Florea to create his first comic strip.