Ouro Verde de Goiás

Ouro Verde de Goiás is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil.


Ouro Verde is 63 km. northeast of Goiânia and 31 km west of Anápolis.
Neighboring municipalities: Nova Veneza, Anápolis, Damolândia, and Petrolina de Goiás


The economy is based on agriculture, cattle raising, services, and public administration. In 2007 there were 10 industrial units and 24 commercial units in the city. There were no banking institutions. In 2007, there were 471 automobiles.
In 2006, there were 28,340 head of cattle. The main agricultural products were rice, bananas, coffee, sugarcane, beans, oranges, lemons, manioc, corn, soybeans, and tomatoes. Production was very modest due to the limited area of the municipality.
Farm data in 2006
In 2003, there was 1 hospital with 22 beds and 2 ambulatory health clinics. There were 6 doctors, 1 nurse, and 2 dentists in 2002. In 2000, the infant mortality rate was 30.58, below the national average of 33.0.
In 2006, the school system had 3 schools, 27 classrooms, 54 teachers, and 1,227 students. Included were 196 middle/secondary school students in 1 school. IN 2000 the adult literacy rate was 85.9%, below the national average of 86.4%.
Ouro Verde de Goiás had a ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index of 0.719, placing it 176 in the state and
2,635 in the country. All data are from 2000. For the complete list see