Orchis anthropophora

Orchis anthropophora, the man orchid, is a European species of orchid whose flowers resemble a human figure. The head is formed by the petals and sepals, and the suspended torso and limbs by the lobes of the labellum. It usually grows in calcareous grassland.


The man orchid is a herbaceous perennial, growing to a height of between. A basal rosette of lanceolate leaves develops from a tuber of up diameter, and between April and June a central flower spike is produced bearing up to fifty small, stemless flowers - the flowers vary from greenish, with a yellow-green labellum, to green, streaked and marked with purple.


Orchis anthropophora favours moderately sunny meadows on well-drained, often calcareous soil. It is to be found around the Mediterranean area, and in central and western Europe as far north as southern England. It also grows in alpine areas, but not at high altitude.
It is native to Great Britain, central Europe, southwestern Europe, southeastern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia.