Oréos 4X

The Oréos 4X is a 49-places electric midibus of the Gepebus' line of products, from Power Vehicle Innovation. Made for the operating of some urban regular lines, or also a private usage, the Oreos 4X is among the first entirely electric autobuses produced in France.
This clean vehicle belongs to a new generation, more efficient for the power than the older models, and therefore helps to reduce the environmental impact of the transport in the cities.

Technical characteristics

The Oreos 4X uses lithium-ion batteries which can be reloaded without the use of a battery charger, because this charger is included in the bus.


The Oreos 4X has been designed for the transportation of a maximum number of 49 people, including 25 seated places.
The bus can also be equipped with a disabled people access system.


The city of Coulommiers through the operator Transdev’ owns some Oreos 4X, currently operating.