Opinion polling for the 2014 New Zealand general election

Opinion polling for the 2014 New Zealand general election has been commissioned throughout the duration of the 50th New Zealand Parliament by various organisations. The five main polling organisations are Fairfax Media, MediaWorks New Zealand, The New Zealand Herald, Roy Morgan Research, and Television New Zealand. The sample size, margin of error and confidence interval of each poll varies by organisation and date.

Party vote and key events

Refusals are generally excluded from the party vote percentages, while question wording and the treatment of "don't know" responses and those not intending to vote may vary between survey organisations.

Graphical summary

The first graph below shows trend lines averaged across all polls for parties that received 5.0% or more of the party vote at the 2011 election. The second graph shows parties that received 1.0% or more of the party vote, or won an electorate seat, at the 2011 election. Parties which have polled over 1.0% since the 2011 election are also included.

Individual polls

Preferred Prime Minister

Electorate polling

The leftmost party columns are the parties, and their sitting Members of Parliament, that held the seats as a result of the 2011 election.

Epsom">Epsom (New Zealand electorate)">Epsom

[Tāmaki Makaurau]

[Te Tai Tokerau]

[Te Tai Tonga]

Waiariki">Waiariki (New Zealand electorate)">Waiariki