OpenStreetMap Foundation

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales on 22 August 2006. It is a non-profit foundation whose aim is to support and enable the development of freely-reusable geospatial data. It is closely connected with the OpenStreetMap project, although its constitution does not prevent it supporting other projects.



OSMF is a membership organisation, with all members entitled to vote at a general meeting on foundation activities. OSMF members do not determine how OpenStreetMap itself operates, just how the foundation supports the OpenStreetMap movement. Membership is open to all on payment of the membership fee of £15 per year.
Since September 2013, the foundation accepts corporate memberships in a "associated member" category. Founding corporate members are Geofabrik, Geotab, Naver, NextGIS and Mapbox.
, the foundation has 972 Normal members, 515 Associate members and 28 Corporate members.


The foundation is run by a board of seven members, including the foundation's officers: chairman, secretary and treasurer.
, the board is:
Working Groups are small groups of people that work on specific tasks to support OSM. Their members may have special access to functions that normal users do not. For example, the Data Working Group members can redact edits and block users.
The groups are:
The foundation works in partnership with local chapters which coordinate the mapping communities of various countries:
, trading as "OpenStreetMap Belgium"
, trading as "OpenStreetMap Deutschland"
, trading as "OpenStreetMap Italia"


The foundation is funded by a combination of membership fees and specific larger donations. Notably MapQuest donated $50,000 to the foundation in 2011, and Esri donated an undisclosed amount in 2012.