Oobah Butler

Oobah Butler is an English best-selling author, journalist and filmmaker. He is best known for creating The Shed at Dulwich, the project he made for Vice Magazine where he made the shed he lived in the top-rated restaurant in London on TripAdvisor, despite having never served a dish. In April 2019, his debut book How to Bullsh*t Your Way To Number 1 was published by Where Publications in America, as confirmed in a December 2018 interview with Forbes. It became a #1 USA Today best-seller in humor in May 2019 and a Los Angeles Times #8 best-seller in July 2019.


Butler began writing for Vice Magazine in October 2015 after successfully pitching an article in which he challenged himself to be a more successful door-to-door salesman than one of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Over the next two years, he regularly contributed articles to Vice and eventually started making short films that were shared on the site's social media channels. In April 2017, inspired by a belief he'd developed while being paid to write false positive reviews for restaurants on TripAdvisor years before, Butler came up with an idea to try and get a restaurant that doesn't exist verified on the travel website. After making a website for his fake restaurant, The Shed at Dulwich, which featured plates of food created using household products including shaving foam and dishwasher tablets, and buying a phone, it was officially accepted and listed on the site. From there, Butler spent six months asking friends to post fake reviews hoping to place the restaurant as high on TripAdvisor's list of 18,149 restaurants in London as possible. On November 1, 2017, the restaurant got to number 1 in the whole of London. It was open for one night on the 17th of the same month, serving ten guests including a couple from California thinly-disguised microwaveable meals. The customers are said to have been so blown away that some tried to book again.
Following the release of both his article and documentary, How to Become TripAdvisor’s #1 Fake Restaurant, about the process, the story became a viral success. To date, Vice claims it has received 100 million views worldwide. Butler found himself at the centre of a media storm, appearing on popular television stations around the world. The reactions to the story were diverse, with Singaporean parliament using it as a vehicle to inform new laws on fake news and The Washington Post referencing Butler as "the Donald Trump of TripAdvisor". After conducting many interviews, Butler became convinced that it didn't need to be him being interviewed. "Whether it's the segment on Brazil's Globo TV, or the hour-long documentary on Japanese TV, every interviewer has asked me the same questions about the shed. It's not really me being interviewed; what I did has some recognition, but I don't." he said. From there he successfully sent different lookalikes of himself in his place to conduct interviews on Breakfast Sunrise in Australia, WION TV in India, NOVA television in Bulgaria and BBC Radio 2 with Vanessa Feltz. They all successfully passed as Butler, as documented in his film, I Sent Fakes of Myself to Be on TV Around the World.
In June 2018, Butler released a third film entitled How I Faked My Way to The Top of Paris Fashion Week. It was well received, being viewed over 30 million times worldwide and being included in the official selection at the 2018 LA Fashion Film Festival. He also received three awards in 2018 - one from the British Society of Magazine Editors for Best Content Idea 2018, Video Project of the Year from the British Media Awards, and another from the DRUM Agency for Content Creator of the Year 2018, which he sent a Norwegian stand-in to accept, and nobody realised. In December 2018, he announced his debut book How to Bullsh*t Your Way To Number 1 in an interview with Forbes. After completing a Reddit Ask Me Anything shortly afterwards, the book shot to #1 on Amazon through pre-orders. On the date of the book's release, Oobah said in an interview with Robin Young on NPR that the book was less about success and more about helping people to not be inhibited.