Olaf Storaasli

Olaf O. Storaasli, VP, was a researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and USEC following his NASA career. He led the hardware, software and applications teams' successful development of one of NASA's 1st parallel computers, the Finite element machine and developed rapid matrix equation algorithms tailored to high-performance computers to solve science and engineering applications. He was PhD advisor and graduate instructor at UT, GWU and CNU and mentored 25 NHGS students. He is recognized by American Men and Women of Science, Marquis Who's Who, and NASA, Cray, Intel and awards. NASA Awards include Viking Mars Lander design and Engineering Analysis.


Storaasli received a B.A. in Physics, Mathematics & French, M.A. in Mathematics, Ph.D in Engineering Mechanics and post-doc fellowships: NTNU, University of Edinburgh.


He develops, tests and documents parallel analysis software to speed matrix equation solution to simulate physical & biological behavior on advanced-computer architectures. Books