
Okwelle is a town in Onuimo Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria. It comprises eight villages: Alaike, OJiama, Ojiowere, Umoko, Umuagwo, Umuduruebo, Umuduruodu and Umuoma. Okwelle's Central Market attracts traders from neighbouring towns.

Location and Boundaries

Okwelle is surrounded by major towns including Umunachi, Abba, Dikenafai, Okwe and Ezike. Okwelle is blessed with several sources of fresh water, including springs, lakes, inland water channels and seasonal runoffs. According to Floyd Barry, 'from Okwelle, to Imo River, a constriction of the Cuesta landforms takes places, but east again beyond the river, the uplands broaden to a dissected plateau around Bende separated by only a few miles from the Okigwe-Ngusu-Arochukwu Cuesta and related features.'