Okobo is located in the south south of Nigeria and is a Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The local government area was created in 1989 by the government of President Ibrahim Babangida. The local government area is bounded by Uruan, Oron, Urue-Offong/Oruko and Nsit Atailocal government areas. The Council is located south of Uruan LGA, east of Nsit Atai LGA, west of Oron and north of Urue Ofong Oruko and Esit Eket. Okopedi is the capital of the local government area. Okopedi is the capital of the Local Government Area. The area has seven districts: Eta, Odu, Atabong, Ukwong, Ebughu, Okiuso and Ibighi. Okobo people are in the first two districts - Odu and Eta while the Atak Oro people reside in the remaining five districts. To the North is Esuk Inwang and to the South is Nda. The Coordinates of Nung Atai Eta are 4°51'0" N and 8°7'60" E and those of Odobo are 4° 49' 32 North and 8° 6' 38” East.
In Odu, there are several villages- Akiba Obo, Anua Ekeya, Ebighi Edu, Ebighi Okobo, Ekpene Ekim, Esuk Inwang, Idibenin, Nda, Nung Ukana, Obot Inwang, Ube, Ufok Esuk.
In Eta district are Afaha Nsung, Akananwana, Amamong, Anua Okopedi, Ape Amamong, Atai Amamong, Ata Atai Otope, Atipa Odobo, Ebighi Eta, Ekpene Ekim Eta, Ibawa, Mbieduo, Nsating, Nung Atai Eta, Nung Atai Odobo, Nung Udom Odobo and Obufi.
The two districts have several secondary schools including Comprehensive Secondary School, Okobo, Comprehensive Secondary School Okopedi Okobo, Community Comprehensive Secondary School Ekeya Okobo, Community Secondary School Odobo Okobo, National High School Odobo Okobo and Eastern Okobo High School Obufi. There is also a private post-primary educational institution called Odu College. It is located in Ebighi odu, Okobo. There are different schools of thought on the historical origin of the Okobo people- From Usakedit and Arochukwu. Clearly more research is required to validate any of these suggestions. What seems to be in agreement is that Okobo was a warrior who had sons- Ebighi, Odu and Eta. The first place where Okobo people settled is said to be Ebighi. Okobo is endowed with a tropical forest with mahogany for supply of wood for boat and canoe construction. There are significant deposits of clay and fine sand. Fishing and farming are common in this local government area.
The cultural heritage is demonstrated in several traditional dances and masquerades such as Ekpe. The traditional marriage ceremonies in Okobo are similar to those of the Efiks. The list include:
Knocking drinks
Prayer drinks
Drinks for expressing intention
Introduction Drinks
Appreciation drinks
This list is just for the Mbub ceremony. The traditional marriage list comes with its own set of rites and “gifts.” However, the “bride-price” used to be a standard £12.
On the day of the proper ceremony which takes place at the bride's family house, the groom and his family will be seated with the bride's father and his kinsmen in a sitting room while other guests seat outside, the announcer or moderator known as Mma Ofiori Ndo Ette Ofiori Ndo will announce each item to be presented to the hearing of the guests seated outside. One of the major items to be presented is a box ‘Ekebe’ which contains different kinds of clothing, accessories, shoes to show how the groom will take care of the wife he is to be given. The bride price Okuk Ndo is paid, Ufop Iso Eka Eyen is paid to the bride's mother, Ufop Iso Ete Eyen is paid to the bride's father, the groom also pays Okpono Ndidito loosen the ties on his bride's feet and arms to officially claim her. When the ofiori ndo calls for drinks to be presented to the bride's family, two well adorned maidens emerge with a brass tray containing the drinks balanced on their heads for presentation. The akpangkpang an expensive commodity is very rare these days because not every family can afford it. Royal families who own it put it up for hire to those in need. After meeting all the formalities, the groom who is usually dressed in a white singlet, a wrapper