Okanagan Mission Secondary School

Okanagan Mission Secondary is a public high school in Kelowna, British Columbia, part of School District 23 Central Okanagan. It is well known for its consistent academic performance and successful arts programs, including its Triple Threat program which puts on a full Broadway musical every year. Other notable programs include their successful concert band and two jazz bands, light and heavy. Every three years, the OKM Band takes their grade 10 to 12 concert band students on an international trip to various countries around the world, where they perform at attractions and historical sites like the Roman Colosseum. The grade 9 band class goes to Whistler every year. Okanagan Mission Secondary is also ranked as a AA school for many of its sports leagues, including its Soccer, Swim, and Hockey Academies. It recently gained attention province-wide for its Social Media class and their video production of "OKM Gangnam Style" published on the first of November in 2012 on YouTube, which quickly attained over 50,000 views.
In the 2014–2015 school year, OKM took in the seventh grade students, due to the local elementary schools being overcrowded. and now they are gone. They now have 3 Vice Principals to assist with the large number of students. A new school named Canyon Falls Middle School will open in 2019-2020 to relieve the school of its Grade 7 and 8 students. Also in the 2014-2015 year, OKM changed their husky logo due to the old one being too similar to University of Washington's logo, who are also the Huskies.
OKM was ranked by the Fraser Institute in 2015 as 23 out of 294 British Columbian Secondary Schools.
Okanagan Mission Secondary is one of the highest ranked schools in the SD23 district.