Office of the Independent Police Review Director

The Office of the Independent Police Review Director is an independent civilian oversight agency that handles public complaints of police conduct in the province of Ontario, Canada. The agency oversees all police forces, from municipal levels up to and including the Ontario Provincial Police.


The Office of the Independent Police Review Director is responsible for receiving, managing and overseeing all public complaints about municipal, regional and provincial police in Ontario. As an independent civilian oversight agency, the OIPRD makes sure public complaints about police are dealt with in a manner that is transparent, effective and fair to both the public and the police.
Created in 2008 by the Independent Police Review Act, 2007, the agency is headquartered in Toronto.
Statutory authority for the OIPRD currently derives from Part II.1 of the Police Services Act. Once the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 comes into force, OIPRD will be governed by Part VIII of CSPA. Like the Special Investigations Unit, OIPRD reports to the Attorney General of Ontario.
Members of the agency cannot be serving police officers, and the director cannot be a former or current police officer.

Changes to police oversight

The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which received royal assent on March 26, 2019, will impact OIPRD in several ways once it comes into force.