Of counsel

Of counsel is the title of an attorney in the legal profession of the United States who often has a relationship with a law firm or an organization but is neither an associate nor partner. Some firms use titles such as "counsel", "special counsel", and "senior counsel" for the same concept. According to American Bar Association Formal Opinion 90-357, the term "of counsel" is used to describe a "close, personal, continuous, and regular relationship" between the firm and counsel lawyer. In large law firms, the title generally denotes a lawyer with the experience of a partner, but who does not carry the same workload or business development responsibility.

American Bar Association definitions

Formal Opinion 90-357 of the American Bar Association provides four acceptable definitions of the term:
The title may be used in a number of situations, including:
Some firms also use the term to refer to attorneys hired on a temporary basis to assist with a particular case. However, because "of counsel" describes "a close, regular, personal relationship", temporary lawyers used by law firms to engage in document reviews for a specific project or for limited duration are not "of counsel".


The average annual base salary for “of counsel” or "special counsel" in the United States between 2003 and 2009 was US$216,019. At highly prestigious law firms, an "of counsel" or "special counsel" may make as much as US$375,000 per year.