Odin (code conversion software)

In computing, Odin is a project to run Microsoft Windows programs on OS/2 or convert them to OS/2 native format. It also provides the Odin32 API to compile Win32 programs for OS/2. The project's goals are:
Although this is far from complete, much of the Win32 API is not widely used, so partial implementation will give usable results. Odin32 is already used commercially for the OS/2 port of the Opera web browser.

Technical overview

Odin achieves binary compatibility by converting Win32 executables and dynamic-link libraries to OS/2 format. Conversion can be done on the fly or permanently. Odin does not use emulation or a compatibility layer.
Odin identifies itself to Windows applications as Windows 2000 Service Pack 2.
Odin uses code from Wine, which runs Win32 applications on Unix-like operating systems.


The project is named after Odin, the supreme god of Germanic and Norse mythology.