Trams in Odessa

As of the middle 2011, trams are one of the basic types of public transportation in the city of Odessa, Ukraine. Odessa is served by 19 regular, and 5 non-regular, tram routes. Electric trams have been operating in Odessa since 1910.
The tram network is laid along mainline streets from the city center, serving as a convenient connection with the more outward neighborhoods of Odessa. System facts are:
1Luzanovka — "Centrolit" Plant
32nd station of Lustdorf Road — Peresyp BridgeOne of major routes.
4Arcadia — Shevchenko ParkIntroduced in 01.06.2012 with 2 trams in run.
5Bus Station — ArcadiaOne of major routes.
6Peresyp Bridge — LuzanovkaShortcut version of route # 7. In run, starting with 9 AM, also used for "yard moves", when route number 1 comes in service out of Depot #2
7Peresyp Bridge — Pausvoksky StreetOne of major routes.
8Luzanovka — Paustovky StreetSeasonal.
10Isaac Rabin Street — Tiraspolskaya SquareOne of Major Routes.
11Railway Station — Alexeyevskaya PlazaIn 2008 it was severely trimmed.
12Tovarnaya station — Slobodka MarketNo major changed during its history of existence. Initially this route terminated at Peresyb Bridge, starting with June 1, 2011 was extended, following route cancelled 22.
13Shkolny living district — Railway StationOne of major routes.
15Slobodka Market — Tiraspolskaya SquareRemains unchanged since the moment of first run.
17Kulikovo Field — 11th station of Fountain RoadShort version of route #18.
18Kulikovo Field — 16th station of Fountain RoadOne of major routes.
19Kulikovo Field — Memorial of 411 BatteryHas a single track line between 16th station of Fountain Road and Memorial.
20Peresyp Bridge — Khadzhibay EstuaryThis line is served by 2-3 cars.
21Zastava 2 — Tiraspolskaya Square
236th station of Fountain Road - Bus station
26Railway Station — 11th station of Lustdorf RoadOne of Major Routes.
27Fishing Port — 11th Station of Lustdorf RoadServed by 1-2 cars.
28Shevchenko Park — Pasteur StreetPassed along original Port Franko line.
31Lustdorf — Railway StationUsed to be route 29

Additional routes

2nd station of Lustdorf Road- Tiraspolskaya Square.
2nd station of Lustdorf Road — Railway station

Closed routes and phantom routes (after 1990)

2 Peresyp Bridge — Railway Station
4 Zastava 2 — Shevchenko Park
9 "Centrolit" plant — Peresyp Bridge
14 Isaac Rabin Street — Railway Station
16 Kulikovo field - 6th station of Fountain Road
22 Slobodka market — Peresyp bridge
29 Lustdorf — 11th station of Lustdorf Road For a long time, used to be what's now known as route 31.
30 Ivanovskiy VIaduct — Peresyp Bridge