
Oberzent is a town in the district of Odenwaldkreis, in Hesse, Germany. It was created with effect from 1 January 2018 by the merger of the former town Beerfelden and the former municipalities of Hesseneck, Rothenberg and Sensbachtal.


Neighbouring communities

Oberzent borders in the north on the municipality of Mossautal, the town of Erbach and the municipality of Kirchzell, in the east on the municipality of Mudau, in the south on the towns of Eberbach and Hirschhorn and in the west on the municipality of Wald-Michelbach.

Constituent communities

Oberzent’s 19 quarters are Airlenbach, Beerfelden, Etzean, Falken-Gesäß, Finkenbach, Gammelsbach, Hebstahl, Hesselbach, Hetzbach, Hinterbach, Kailbach, Kortelshütte, Ober-Hainbrunn, Ober-Sensbach, Olfen, Raubach, Rothenberg, Schöllenbach, Unter-Sensbach.