Oberndorf (Rottenburg)

Oberndorf is a suburban district of Rottenburg am Neckar in the administrative district of Tübingen in Baden-Württemberg.


Oberndorf is located 6 km northern from Rottenburg, 10 km western from Tübingen and 14 km southeastern from Herrenberg.


Oberdorf has a territory of 614 hectares. Thereof fall 70.1% upon agriculturally used area, 15.7% upon forest area, 13.7% upon settlement area and roads, 0.2% upon water expanse and 0.3% upon other.


1466 people live in Oberndorf. It is one of the larger suburbs of Rottenburg. At an area of 6.14 km² this corresponds to a population density of 239 people per km², or 618 per sq mi.


The population is predominantly Roman Catholic.